Tuesday 29 January 2019

What Positive Changes Six Sigma Certification Could Bring?

Thinking about whether to pursue Six Sigma certification or not? You should if you really want to bring a positive change in your organization. This certification not just empowers you with the knowledge to bring the positive change but also prepares you to handle the future challenges. If implemented successfully, it could improve your business process for better. In fact, several companies have felt its positive impact so you aren’t alone who is going to experience the winds of change!

Let’s find out what positive change the Six Sigma could bring to you if you earn the certification:
  1. Empowers Your Employees With Knowledge
Imagine having a skilled workforce with Six Sigma certification that's ready to bring a positive change in your business process. The certification teaches them to be a catalyst for change. It helps them understand the bottlenecks in the processes and address them one by one. The Six Sigma degree holders are in a better position to read and understand data diagrams and flow charts. They work to make your system smoother, improve your relations with customers and find out the unique ways to eliminate waste in the business process.
  1. Helps Your Employees Act As Mentors
Learning and mastering Six Sigma turns your employees into future leaders who are always ready to mentor their subordinates. That means you don’t have to hire any visiting faculty to mentor your employees. Instead, the certified employees with advanced belts could do that stuff for you. It’s a milestone that you should be proud of. It sets another good example in the industry that let others know how to collaborate together to bring the winds of change and positive contribution to an organization.
  1. Sets the Tone for Success
The Six Sigma sets the tone to experience the quantum of success. As soon as your employees get certified for Six Sigma, everything starts falling at the right place! Be it about the smooth communications with your clients or managing the resources to their best. This leaves the positive impact and helps prepare your business to experience the success.
  1. Makes Your Employee Learn the Teamwork
Most employers struggle to bring their employees under one hood and do the teamwork. But after learning Six Sigma, you could see the winds of change in their behavior. Those solo workers will start working in teams. They would clearly understand that teamwork excels where the solo work fails to perform.


By now, you might have understood how Six Sigma certification could bring a positive change in your organization. It helps you achieve the best out of every resource that you have! Whether it is a man, material or machine. Above all, you get an active contribution from your employees. They take your organization to the next levels as they earn higher levels of Six Sigma.

Want to bring a positive change to your organization? Get your employees Six Sigma certification from SKIL and be ahead of your competitors. Six Sigma certified workforce could drive you to experience the quantum of success. Call us how to make it happen with the Six Sigma training, Lean Six Sigma Black Belt, Six Sigma Certification, Lean Six Sigma Green Belt, Project Management, Lean Certification etc.

Monday 28 January 2019

Which Skills Do You Acquire With Project Management Training?

Playing a manager’s role accounts to many responsibilities that could only be accomplished if you are skilled enough to handle the challenges. With the right project management training, you could acquire those much-needed skills that are the building blocks of successful leadership. Being a project manager isn’t enough! You need to acquire skills that companies are willing to pay for. This is where project management course training comes to play.

Discover below to get to know which skills you are going to get equipped with if you consider project management course training.
  1. Accountability
The right project management training turns you into an accountable person who really cares for the stakeholders. It infuses project managers with a sense of accountability that takes them a long way of in the career. You will be nurtured into a successful leader with this certification. It teaches you to be accountable to a projects' growth and eventually make an active contribution to the company’s growth story.
  1. People Management Skills
While working together with a team on a project, you need to be really good at managing people. You should ward off any rifts that might distract team members to lose their focus on the project. The project management course training helps you acquire people management skills to help you execute the project delivery. With the insight gained from the training, you will be able to build better and qualified teams that could go extra miles to exceed clients’ expectations out of the projects.
  1. Better Communication
A project management certification and training make you a better communicator than the non-certified ones. It teaches you how to use the right tools and technology to facilitate the ease of communication while working on multiple projects at the same time.
  1. Resource Management
Managing the resources is a crucial aspect to which you can't put a deaf ear. Project managers are expected to utilize the man, management and machines to their optimal extent while giving the maximum output. This could be challenging for a project manager who hasn't had any training to make it accomplished. The training enlightens you with the much-needed strategies that help to manage resources to their best!
  1. Knowledge of Project Management Tools
Managing things would feel a lot easier if you have the right tools and technology. This is where the project management knowledge and training play a crucial role. You get hands-on training on the project management tools that help you work with all the teams and clients on a single window and give you better control over the project's progress.

The Final Takeaway

With the right project management training, you will learn the ropes of successful leadership. You will be more enlightened to take tough decisions and get equipped with people management skills if you consider the training. Broaden your chance to acquire more skills which are handsomely paid and are always desired by top employers. Go for the project management course and training to hone your skills today!

Earn the top income with the project management training and certification that shape-up your management skills. Enroll for the training with SKIL and get it done in a hassle-free way. We are the top choice of project management certification seekers like you who want to grow their career to new heights. Let’s talk!

Visit SKIL to know more about Lean Certification, Six Sigma Certification, Lean Six Sigma Black Belt, Project Management, Lean Six Sigma Green Belt etc.

Friday 25 January 2019

3 Reasons Project Managers Should Consider PMP Certification in India

There are more reasons to get certified as a project management consultant than just the monetary perks. Especially in a country like India, the workforce is highly educated and more competitive than the other countries around. Getting on the top requires a competitive edge that a PMP certification fulfills. According to PMI India, there are hardly 50,000 PMP certified professionals are operating in the country. That means there is a lot of room for you to grow in the industry and count your presence if you choose to get certified.

If you are an Indian project manager but without certification, then here are the most interesting reasons for you to consider PMP certification for your career growth:
  1. Get Endorsed for Your Project Management Skills
Getting endorsed for your project management skills would add more feathers to your career’s cap. Showcase the employers that you are not a self-acclaimed hero but a certified project management consultant. Getting certified for management skills has its own charm that would not only add more weight to your resume but also puts you ahead in achieving project goals in an organization. So if you want to count your presence in that creamy layer of professionals, PMP certification is for you!
  1. Stand Out Among Managers Without PMP Certification
Competing for high-paying jobs with so many project managers like you in the interview? Chances are that you will lose out the opportunity to the competition. But what if you have a PMP certification to showcase the employers? Certainly, you will stand out like a roaring lion, beating the competition around. PMP certified professionals are always the top preference for the most employers, so you will have luck by your side. This is why PMP certification matters when you are competing with many others.
  1. Enhance Your Project Management Skills
Most Indian managers rely on experience but only a handful of them undergoes any kind of formal training that sharpens their project management skills. You probably want to be trained to acquire more skills that keep you ahead in the career. The project management certification helps you gain that edge that lets you successfully handle multi-billion dollar deals. With a few hours of online learning, the PMP training course equips you with the right tools and knowledge to handle projects flawlessly.

The Final Takeaway

Building a rewarding career in a country like India isn’t easy, given the skilled workforce and cut-throat competition. You need to stand out! Getting certified as a project management consultant could pave your way to top in the career. With the highly recognized PMP certification, you could easily outperform your competitors. Only being a project manager isn’t enough, you need to fortify it with PMP certification. Look for a suitable Project Management training institute in India today so that you can reward your career for a better tomorrow.

Wondering where to find a reliable school to get certified as a project management consultant? Enroll with us and we will help you acquire the PMP certification in the most convenient way possible. We are SKIL, your doorway to PMP certification and rewarding career ahead. Get in touch with us today!

Visit SKIL to know more about Project Management, Six Sigma Certification, Lean Six Sigma Black Belt, Lean Certification, Lean Six Sigma Green Belt etc.

Thursday 24 January 2019

Learn How LEAN Six Sigma Training Reduces Excess and Obsolete Inventory

Excess and obsolete inventory are the main reasons behind monetary losses in any business. But you could put a bar on them by considering LEAN Six Sigma training. With this course training, you get to learn the ropes of profit-making by reducing waste in the business processes. Utilizing your best knowledge of LEAN Six Sigma methods, you can easily eliminate any problem that’s coming in your way to managing inventory.Let’s find out how the strategies you learn from LEAN Six Sigma help you in reducing excess and obsolete inventory.

But before that let’s take a look at the most common reasons responsible for producing excess and obsolete inventory in an organization.

Factors That Give Rise to Excess And Obsolete Inventory Issues

Facing excess and obsolete inventory in your organization? To whom should you blame? Well, quite often the reasons for these issues are inaccurate forecasting methods, poor quality manufacturing and extended lead times. Scheduling problems, rework and late deliveries also give rise to troubles with the inventory management.

Following poor practices in demand management also leads to an unnecessary stock of products in the inventory that triggers the expenses. The inaccurate historical demand data results in miscalculation of sales that never reaches close to the real sales figures. This, in turn, results in excess and obsolete inventory. However, things could be improved if you opt-in to LEAN Six Sigma based business model.

Identifying And Tackling the Issues With LEAN Six Sigma

If your managers are put under LEAN Six Sigma training, you will be able to control over excess inventory. They will be more enlightened with the knowledge that helps them take hold of obsolete inventory that you are struggling with. A LEAN Six Sigma methodology such as DMAIC helps to create an inventory model that has no room for waste.

Using LEAN tools, you would be able to run all the departments of your company in sync. Managing the supply chain, you will be able to effectively manage the lead time, thwarting problems of obsolete and excess inventory from your company’s business process. LEAN Six Sigma lets your logistic and supply chain work in sync with your production to produce goods that could be delivered straight to the customer without the need for storage. It weeds out the unnecessary spending on the inventory storage and gives you a reason to smile by churning out more profits.

The Final Takeaway

There is a permanent solution that effectively deals with excess and obsolete inventory. It is LEAN Six Sigma training that works to manage your inventory like a pro so that you don’t deal with the waste. If building your organization into a successful venture is high on your notes, then getting your employees certified for LEAN Six Sigma is the right initiative that you won’t regret. Using its methodologies, you can transform the way you manage inventories to earn the maximum profits. Train your employees to earn LEAN Six Sigma and pave the way to experience growth in your organization.

Reach us to avail effective LEAN Six Sigma training for your employees to prepare them better to clear the exam. We are SKIL, the best institute for LEAN Six Sigma with a proven record of excellence. Reach us if you want to train and transform your workforce into future leaders. Let’s talk!

Visit SKIL to know more about Lean Six Sigma Black Belt, Six Sigma Certification, Lean Certification, Project Management, Lean Six Sigma Green Belt, etc.